Assignemnt #66
/// Name: Daniel Nguyen
/// Period: 6
/// Program Name: hilolim Program
/// File Name:
/// Date Finished: 9/9/2015
// a while loop is similar to an if statement because it tests if a statement is true and runs code after that depending on it
// A while loop is different from an if statement because it continues to run the code until the statement is no longer true
// There is no int because "entry" as a variable is already defined as an int in the previous code
// When line 29 is removed it causes the while loop to never be satisfied and keeps running until it is which is never
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
public class hilolim
public static void main( String[] args )
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
Random r = new Random();
int rng = 1 + r.nextInt(100);
int tries;
tries = 0;
System.out.println("Try to guess the number I'm thinking of from 1-100.");
System.out.println("You have 7 tries");
System.out.print("Your guess > ");
int entry = keyboard.nextInt();
while ( entry != rng )
if ( entry < rng ) {
System.out.println("\nWRONG! You guess too low... Try again!");
if ( entry > rng ) {
System.out.println("\n You guess too high try again!");
System.out.print("Your guess > ");
entry = keyboard.nextInt();
if ( entry == rng ) {
System.out.println("It only took you " + tries + " tries.");
if ( tries == 7 ) {
System.out.println("Sorry you ran out of tries :/");
entry = rng;
Picture of the output